[Marketing Strategy Episode] Is Your Marketing Strategy Just Social Media Posting? – Podcast Episode 313

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Latest, Listen's favs, Marketing Strategies, Podcast, Podcast notes, Small Business Help | 0 comments

Hey there, my friend, welcome to episode 313 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

Thanks for leading me your ears right now – I know you have lots of other things you could be doing or listening to – so I appreciate you.

Last week on the podcast I talked about what a marketing funnel is, what it looks like and what content you need as your prospects pass through that funnel. If you haven’t had a listen to that podcast, go listen in now here – www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/312 Of course the funny thing about my funnel is that there is no bottom bit to fall out – it’s more like a funnel with a never-ending path – take a listen – it will all make sense, I promise!

So, this week, I thought I’d continue to push you outside your marketing bubble and suggest that if you’re just doing social media, then that’s not probably the strategy you should be doing for your business, especially if you want it to grow. I’ll suggest some extra activities below!

But first, a shoutout to me and my book Small Town Big Impact with 107 Simple Marketing Strategies for Regional Business Success. If you haven’t got a copy yet, go to www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au and get a copy. It is available on Amazon – so you can get a kindle or hard copy there too – but I’d prefer you get it from my website! I have just picked up the next print run of the book – which means, holy cow, that’s there are already a thousand copies of my book out in the big wide world (and some have even gone overseas!).

And today for my Throwback Thursday part of this pod, I’m throwing back to episode 179, which is titled Omni Channel Marketing with the holy grail numbers of 11, 7 and 4! What’s 11, 7 and 4? It actually works in very well with the topic today. Listen in and find out! You can find the episode here: www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/179

Okay, let’s get into it.

If you are simply posting on social media, and calling that your marketing strategy, I’m here to give you an almighty nudge in this pretty quick episode.

Here’s what I think EVERY business owner should be doing with their marketing – and yes, I mean EVERY business owner, no matter your industry.

  • Get interviewed on at least SIX podcasts per year sharing your expertise with their audience and inviting them to learn more on x y or z (send them to a freebie, your website, be friends on socials etc)
  • Undertake a few partnerships through the year. Partner or collaborate with other business owners who have your audience but aren’t your competition.
  • Enter at least TWO awards every year – doesn’t matter if you don’t win, promote the heck out of entering, being a finalist, being last year’s finalist and if you do win – go crazy with your marketing!
  • Get featured in the media (online or offline – print etc) at least 4 times a year. That does mean potentially writing some PR articles, contacting journalists with great story ideas and definitely means you need to think outside the square!
  • Send customers or clients, a thank you at least once or twice a year. Perhaps it’s a handwritten letter, perhaps it’s Brooki Cookies, perhaps it’s morning tea for the office/shop.
  • Ask customers and clients for feedback – not just a glowing testimonial but feedback – quiz them, survey them about your business, their experience with you and your brand and your business. Their feedback could be just the thing you need to hear to take your business to the next level.
  • Engage in Community Initiative – Sponsor or participate in local events, charities, or community groups. Not only does this build goodwill, but it also connects your business with potential customers in a meaningful and memorable way.
  • Leverage Email Marketing Campaigns – Regularly send out newsletters or updates to your email list. Email remains one of the most effective tools to directly engage with your audience and build long-term relationships. Offer value through exclusive content, discounts, or personalised recommendations.
  • Utilise Google My Business and Online Reviews – Ensure your business is listed on Google My Business and actively request reviews from satisfied customers. Positive reviews can significantly impact your local search ranking and improve trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers.

Remember the Thursday Throwback episode I told you to go and listen to – episode 179 that had the magic marketing numbers of 11, 7 and 4 in it? Well, the 11 is the touch points you need to bring in new leads and make sales, 7 is the hours of interaction it will take and 4 is the separate locations your ideal client needs to see you on before making a purchase. So, if you look at social media as 1 location – then my suggestions of awards, podcasts, partnerships etc start to glow with necessity, right?

I know, thinking that the whole of social media as 1 location is a little silly, and the reality is it’s not, but I guess I just wanted to hammer home that thought in you today that social media CANNOT be the only thing you do as a marketing tactic.

Not convinced? That’s okay, perhaps my podcast is only 1 location and 30 minutes of the 7 hours it’ll take to help you see the change that is necessary in your marketing. I’m okay with that – it’ll happen. When the student is ready the teacher will appear!

I know my goal is always to make business life simpler for you – make marketing simpler, but I think today’s goal is to help you look outside the social media marketing playing field and stretch yourself to do different marketing – not necessarily MORE marketing.

How do you feel now? A little uncomfortable? Sorry, but that’s good. I think amazing things happen outside your comfort zone.

And remember the old saying, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result. So, if you want to grow your business and you’re still just doing the marketing that got you here – then it’s time to up the ante my amazing podcast friend.

You with me?

Let me know in the Like Minded Business Owners Facebook group your thoughts and feelings. You can join here, if you haven’t already:


If you loved this episode and found it valuable, please take 30 seconds out of your day to leave me a rating and review if you want where you are listening. And do you have a friend who might like to listen in too? Can I ask a favour, and have you share this episode with them? I’d love that and appreciate it SO much.

See you next week on the podcast for episode 314.

But in the meantime, let’s hang out on social and get social on social – you’ll find me on Instagram, Facebook, and my fav LinkedIn.

But whatever you do,

…….. remember small business peep, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!


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Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!


Brilliant – it’s on its way – thanks!

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